Seed Digging

Connecting with God releases unconditional love everywhere we go!

 Seed Digging– Emotional Healing Ministry

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”  John 8:32

Have you ever felt frustrated because the truth you know clashes with the way you feel? Living with this pressure is emotional bondage.  When your heart and your head agree on the truth, then you are free to live a passionate and fearless life!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.”  John 10:10

Jesus promised us abundant life, and that promise includes emotional wellness.  From time to time, everyone experiences some sort of emotional crisis or pain. Seed Digging provides an opportunity to connect with God and experience life that’s worth living!

Purpose of a Seed Digging session?
The purpose of Seed Digging is to allow Jesus to heal emotional pain and the issues driven by emotional pain.  Jesus is eager to speak to us about what we think and believe.  Just as light replaces darkness, the truth replaces lies and peace is the result.  No matter what the emotional issues are, Jesus wants you to know the truth and experience peace.
Who is Seed Digging for?

Everyone! Life is stressful and we all need help processing through our emotions from time to time.  Freedom Sessions offer help for anyone who struggles with anger, fear, disappointment, sadness, loss, grief or stress. Seed Digging  is helpful for anyone seeking healing from addictions, emotional disorders, sleep disorders, eating disorders, compulsive behavior, chronic pain, depression or suicidal thoughts. Individuals often experience a stronger connection with Jesus after a session, but you don’t
have to be a Christian to benefit from a session.  Seed Digging is for people of all denominations and all ages.   We offer Seed Digging for adults, teens and children.

What happens in a Seed Digging?

During a Seed Digging session, individuals can expect to meet with one or two trained Freedom Session specialists.  The sessions are personal and confidential.  The Seed Digging facilatator will follow Jesus lead as He reveals the truth that brings healing, restoration and freedom.

How long does it take?

For adults and teens, each Seed Digging session takes about one and a half to two hours. Sessions for children are much shorter (about 30-45 minutes.)  Some people come for multiple sessions as they go through the healing process, but most of the time individuals experience immediate relief.

How do I schedule a Seed Digging session or get more information?

To get more information or request a session:
Phone 501-606-0958.

Seed Digging Training

Periodically, we offer various Seed Digging training classes. During these training sessions, you can learn how to conduct a Seed Digging session with your friends and family members, including children.  We also conduct more intensive training for individuals who want to become specialists in the Seed Digging Ministry. Watch the Grace Fellowship website, or the weekly church announcements for more details about upcoming Seed Digging session training and events.


Other Resources:

Seed Digging: A Simple Technique that Leads to Incredible Inner Peace, by Shawna Burns, LPC, LADAC is a 60-page, power packed book that was created so that children and adults could
learn how to find inner peace all by themselves.
Charlie and the Yucky, Stinky, No-good Fruit, by Shawna Burns, is an illustrated children’s book
that teaches children and adults how to overcome personal addictions and mental health issues
quickly and permanently by pulling “sad seeds” from their lives when behaviors and emotions
get out of control.  Both of Shawna’s books are available from

Real Stories

“Today was my first day back at college for summer class.  I had never felt more confident in myself.  I talk to new people.  I made new friends.  I could be myself … I believe in myself” … Amy

Real Stories

 “It (Seed Digging) has been like being touched and loved by God Himself in a very real way with each meeting. And touched in places that ached beyond words as far back as I could remember; and that had horribly influenced my whole life till now. “  K.

Real Stories

 ”… I would put this protective wall up so you never truly saw the real Dana because I believed it would never be enough and you too would leave like most people in my life!  I believed I was not good enough… God did a”BIG”work in me.  I no longer felt the pain of never being enough, (and) the pain of comparing myself with everyone.”  Dana

Real Stories

“I had lived with severe depression for about four years.  I had been to three different psychologists and taken many different kinds of anti-depressants.  Nothing helped with my pain…. Freedom Sessions really did save my life.  I went from (being) someone that didn’t want to face another day on this earth to (being) someone that loves her Lord and wants whatever He has in store for me.”  Susan

Real Stories

“I thought I was ugly and felt rejected, now I know God sees me as perfect and I am accepted.” Nate, 9 years old.

Real Stories

 “I believed God was angry and hated me, now I know his love for me is endless.”  Pauly

Seed Digging Appointment Request

Sessions are scheduled on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8:00pm. You will be contacted by Saturday before your scheduled Tuesday evening session. Other appointment times may be available on a special schedule basis. If you have questions or concerns about your Seed Digging appointment, please contact us at (501) 606-0958.